Indoor LGB Railroad
Railroad Track Plan:
Railroad Requirements:
- Benchwork 16’x20’
- DC Cab Control
- Block Wiring
- Control Shelfs
- Electronic Wiring
- Structure Lighting
- Street Lights
- Block Signaling
- Custom Painting
- Custom curved bridge
- 2 custom structures
- All structures have lights
- Backdrops
- Realistic Scenery
- Custom Harley Davidson flat car
- Automatic 3 train block control
This client wanted a fun layout for him and his grandchildren to operate, it features three trains and a few operating accessories.
Skiers, Rigi Duo lift, Dump cars, and mini M&Ms loading into hopper cars!
Model Railroads
Look at other scales of model railroads, O,HO,N & Z.
Custom Projects
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Overhead Railway
This overhead system is a very unique to run your trains.